Virus Komputer
Hati-hati dengan serangan Virus pada Komputer Sobat, selalu rutin melakukan Scan pada Komputer Sobat, Gunakan Anti Virus yang Baik
Inilah Hasil Undian Semi-Final Liga Champions 2013/14
Undian semi-final mempertemukan Real Madrid dengan juara bertahan Bayern Munich, serta Atletico Madrid yang meladeni Chelsea yang digelar di markas UEFA di Nyon, Swiss, Jumat (11/4) siang waktu setempat.
Inul Daratista: Sudah Tampil Muda, Tetap Tak Dilirik Suami
Inul mengungkapkan dengan bumbu canda, sang suami sekaligus manajernya, Adam Suseno, malah tak terpengaruh oleh dandanannya itu.
Pakai Facebook dan Yahoo, Cepat Ganti "Password"
Menyusul ditemukannya sebuah celah keamanan bernama "heartbleed", para pengguna layanan internet diimbau mengganti password yang digunakan untuk masing-masing penyedia jasa. Sebagaimana dilaporkan oleh Mashable, Rabu (9/4/2014), sejumlah layanan populer, antara lain Yahoo, Gmail, dan Facebook, ikut terdampak.
Sore Hari di Mars, Beginilah Suasananya...
Panorama sore hari di Mars yang dikonstruksi Jason Major berdasarkan foto yang diambil kamera Mastcam pada wahana antariksa Curiosity. "Saya menaruhnya di Photoshop, menggabungkan dengan bantuan obyek sebagai penanda, sedikit membersihkannya, meng-crop hasilnya dan melakukan sedikit kloning di bawah kanan gambar untuk mengisi bagian yang kosong," ungkapnya di Universe Today, Jumat (28/3/2014).
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Internet Most Popular Information Source: poll
Network Analysis
- What is the shortest path between two points (nodes?)
- Can you compute equidistant zones along the network given some nodes?
- Can you divide the network into sub-networks of nearest elements to given nodes?
- What is the minimum network connecting a set of given nodes (Steiner trees)?
- What is the shortest route passing from all the given points only once (travelling salesman problem)?
- Set up of network analysis: geometry and the appropriate database tables will be connected (;
- Search for the shortest path between fire stations and the road network in order to prepare a displacement map. Computation of the shortest path between some fire stations (;
- Zone the area according to the distance from fire stations to create a map of forecasted intervention time (;
- Allocate across the network each fire station to a competence area according to the distance from the roads (;
- Find the shortest subnetwork linking all the fire stations in order to connect them with a high speed cable running along the streets. (;
- Find the shortest path connecting all the fire stations in order to optimise the route of suppliers and inspectors (
Natural Beauty Tips
problem is important things, especially for those of us who frequent eye
contact with many people every day. On this occasion Buanihuko will share about
Natural Beauty Tips. okay go see some of the following tips.
- Sleeping on your back will Prevent
many wrinkles and breakouts on your face , and even wrinkles in your cleavage area
- Wearing clothes that are tight
make you look heavier . Even a slim girl can bulge over too - tight jeans .
- Put on a coat of clear nail
polish before a colored polish to keep your nails from discoloring .
- Being angry really does take
away from your beauty now and will result in more wrinkles later .
- Wearing less make- up makes
you look younger .
- Vitamins and minerals are
needed for health and beauty , but more is not always better . Too much Vitamin
A or Selenium can cause hair loss .
- If you are unhappy with a hair
conditioner , it will still make a great " shaving cream " for your
legs in the shower .
- When shaving , do not stretch
the skin or you could cause ingrown hairs by shaving hair off slightly under
the skin .
- Drink plenty of water and get
eight hours of sleep every day .
- Tighten bra straps as they
stretch out , or buy a new bra when they can not tighten any further , to keep
the Bosom looking young and perky .
- Instead of shaving over and
over , with the hairs coming in darker and thicker each time , try waxing .
Waxing to remove hair will result in softer hairs each time and result in
permanent hair loss after a few sessions . Aussie Nad 's is an all - natural
product the which is easy to use .
- Sleeping on two or three
pillows at a time , or putting a wedge pillow under your regular pillow will
help get rid of dark circles under your eyes .
- Exercise while dieting is a
must or your skin will be too large ( and saggy ) for your smaller body . It is
much, much tougher to tighten skin after your body shrinks than as you go .
- After washing your face ,
rinse in cold water (fair - skinned people should use cool instead of cold ) to
close the pores and tighten the facial muscles .
- If you are out of quick- dry
spray for nails , dip your fingers into a bowl of ice - cold water . ( Do not
to touch the sides of the bowl . ) Your nails will dry very quickly intervening
- Good posture can make you look
much slimmer .
- Wearing a low heel will give
you better posture than wearing flat shoes .
- Wearing very high heels too
Often will give you a masculine , muscular calf instead of a feminine , rounded
calf .
- Renew thick nail polish by
adding a few drops of fingernail polish remover to the bottle .
- Make a nail polish bottle not
get stuck closed , put a thin coat ofVaseline inside the lid .
- Clean hair brushes
occasionally with dish soap and borax . In a dishpan of very warm water , add
1/2 cup of borax and a few drops of liquid dish soap . Swish the brushes to
stir , rinse , and let air dry . Scrub any stubborn spots with a used
toothbrush .
a few tips that can Buanihuko share, may be useful and if you please give your
comment. Sorry if there are words that are wrong ..
Microsoft Windows Users
Monday, 14 April 2014
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