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Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Microsoft Windows Users

Microsoft Windows Users  Hello Friend, at this time will Buanihuko opportunity to share a little bit about Microsoft Windows users. Many software programs, games, and utilities have an AutoPlay feature that will automatically start the setup screen for the software program when the CD is placed in the computer. If your program, game, or utility contains this feature, run the installation through the screen that appears after inserting the disc.
If you are installing a program, game, or utility that does not contain this feature or you are installing a program from a floppy diskette, follow the steps below.
1.      Open My Computer.
2.   Within the My Computer window, open the drive that contains the installation files. For example, if the files are on a floppy diskette, open the A: drive. If they're on a CD or DVD open the D: drive or the letter of the disc drive.
3.      Within the drive that contains your files, locate either a setup or install file.Double-clicking on this file should start the installation for the program, game, or utility. If you see multiple setups or install files, try to locate the Application file or double-click each of setup or install files until you find the file that starts the installation. Many times the icons associated with the installation files have the same name.
An alternate method of starting the installation in Microsoft Windows
1.      Click Start and Run.
2.     In the Run Window, type x:\setup or x:\install where x is the letter of the drive you want to start the installation from. For example, if you are attempting to install a program from the floppy disk drive you would type a:\setup or a:\install. Usually with a CD or DVD it would be d:\setup but may be a different drive letter depending on your computer configuration.

So that can make Buanihuko share buddy, may be useful and if you deign to give his comments. Sorry if there are any words ...


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